Thursday, April 22, 2010

Banning--Lit blog for 4/23

For my part in our presentation I did banning of commercials. One I found that was banned was for a Mercedes. A blond is in a library and goes up to the front desk and asks for a burger, fries, and a milkshake. The librarian says this is a library. The blond looks around at everyone around her....then in a whisper says can I have a burger, fries, and a milkshake. Now I think it's obvious this commercial was banned because some blonds found it offensive. Some people just seem to blow things out of proportion. The commercial was a joke and meant to be funny. Some people just can't take a joke I guess because it was banned. To me, people are always going to have different ideas and different opinions. We're never going to all agree on something, but that doesn't mean we just go and ban everything like they did with books in Fahrenheit 451. I think people need to always be open to new and different ideas. It helps us all to learn and grow at people and as a society.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Book burning--Lit Blog for 4/16

Today we talked about if we value books or not in today's world. Could it ever come to us forgetting about books and not caring...I'd hope not. I think enough people in this world love to still read and value what they're reading. We need books to learn new ideas and different ones. They give us different perspectives on things. The books we read in this class got me to thinking about things that I never really thought about before. I know I love to read especially over the summer when I have more free time. We may think now that people don't really care about reading but I think if they were going to make all books illegal you'd see much opposition. Its pretty amazing the amount of books people want band from certain places like schools. Like the one dictionary we talked about in class being band was just totally ridiculous and people really need to just calm down. The people who want the books band like on the list we got in class drive me crazy and to me their reasons seem stupid.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fahrenheit 451

I really enjoyed reading this book as well. After Montag meets Clarisse it really gets him to thinking about his life asking himself, am I really happy? Do I love my wife? Turns out the answer is no. He's not happy and he doesn't even know his wife anymore. Neither can remember where they even met. Montag feels like he's living with a stranger. Millie does not appear to love Montag either. She just looks out for herself. She seems pretty dumb too if the reason she overdosed was because she kept forgetting she was taking pills. It seems so weird too that those men just come in suck out what inside her then refill her with new blood. Its creepy. Another aspect I found interesting is that this was written in the 50's and there are similarities to technology today. The walls for example where Millie talked to her family are similar to tv's or skype. They are like the huge flat screens people have today and people are addicted to watching tv today like Millie was to the walls and the family. The shells Millie wore in her ears are like ipods and the thing Montag wore in his ear to talk to his friend is like bluetooths. I thought that was rather interesting.